

Bimorph is an exploration game where you select creatures and watch them evolve.  There is no goal, no winning or losing.   You may stop playing whenever you like.

In the applet window above, you should see a breeder with five possible descendants.  The breeder is shown on the large window, the descendants are on the small windows.  A descendant inherits all of the breeder's genes, except that one of the genes is altered.  This gene alteration causes different look between the descendants.  However, you will notice that a descendant always bear some resemblance to its breeder, no matter how small that resemblance are.

Click the descendant that you like the most, and that descendant becomes the breeder of the next generation.   Keep doing this, and you may eventually end up with a completely different creature than the one you start with.  This illustrates an evolution process, where cumulative small changes carried over time eventually makes a big difference.  (Darwinian evolution is called natural selections, or survival of the fittest.  What is illustrated here is an unnatural selections or cumulative selections.)

To see sample biomorph creatures, click here.
If you have a smaller screen, you may use this version.

The Biomorph theory is created by  Richard Dawkins, and is presented in Dawkins' book The Blind Watchmaker.  Dawkins is a professor at Oxford University in England.  Reference: Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker. New York: W. W. Norton. 1987.

This Java applet is (C) 1997, 1998 F. Permadi, programmed by F. Permadi (permadi@permadi.com).
You are visitor since December 20, 1997.
