Part 2
Click here for Part 1


Using Query String to Maximize Code Reuse


In this contrived example, suppose that you have a Flash movie that loads an image file and display the image (using loadMovie on Flash MX - if you're using Flash 5, think of it as loading another .swf file).  

You want to be able to use the same swf file on many pages to show different images.  Obviously, you need to pass the image filename to Flash.  What can you do?  Since a filename is such a simple text, you can use query string to pass it.  

Assuming the image filename is image1.jpg, located at a folder named images.  And assuming that the Flash movie will use a variable named imageFilename to refer to the file, then we can do this:

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
  WIDTH="250" HEIGHT="300" id="flaMovie1">
  <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="flaMovie1.swf?imageFilename=images%2Fimage1%2Ejpg"> 
  <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
  <EMBED src="flaMovie1.swf?imageFilename=images%2Fimage1%2Ejpg" 
    quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="250" HEIGHT="250" NAME="flaMovie1"

There you see that I appended a query string after the Flash movie filename (flaMovie1.swf).  The query string contains one variable: imageFilename, with the value of images/image1.jpg.  

Note: The %2F is the url encoding for the "/" sign, and %2E is the url encoding for the "." sign.  Since these symbols are unsafe or reserved, we should url encode them, although at the present Flash does not seem to care.  So saying: imageFilename=images%2Fimage1%2Ejpg is essentially the same as saying imageFilename=images/image1.jpg (see: Introduction to URL Encoding)

In this way, when the Flash movie starts, that movie will have a variable named imageFilename within its _root or _level0.  Then, I can say: loadMovie(_root.imageFilename); and it will load the specified image.  

Note: ActionScript 3 user should go here after reding this tutorial for Action Script 3 way of accessing query strings.

Here are example of the swf file with different query string being passed:




Passing Cookie to Query String


Suppose that you have a Flash movie that displays the current user name; and the user name is stored in a cookie.  You can get a cookie value into Flash via loadVariables (with CGI); or even using JavaScript and FSCommand (see here).  But, since the userName is a fairly simple data, let's see how it can be done with a query string.  Note: Query string is not safe, user can see it.  Anything confidential like a password should NEVER be passed via the query string.

Because you don't even know who the user will be, you cannot hard code the query string.   That is, you cannot put: flashMovie.swf?userName=jim2000 in the html code since userName might be jane2 instead of jim2000.   So, in this case, we must use another way to get the proper query string value.  This requires being able to write the query string on the fly, as will be explored later.   Let's first create a cookie.  Enter a user name below then click the button.   When the button is clicked, a cookie named "userName" will be created for you (JavaScript must be enabled for this example to work): 

Please enter userName  

Now that we have a cookie, let's see how we can get the cookie into Flash.  Because Flash does not support cookie reading directly, we need to use a scripting language.   I will show 2 examples.  The first one uses ASP, the second one uses JavaScript, and the third one uses PHP.  

Using ASP

Below is an example of using ASP to get the cookie value and pass the value to Flash.  

'compose OBJECT string
swfTag = _
  "<OBJECT classid=""clsid:553540000"""& vbCrLf & _
  " codebase="",0,0,0"""& vbCrLf & _
  " ID=flaMovie WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=75>"& vbCrLf & _
  " <PARAM NAME=movie "& vbCrLf & _
  " VALUE=""flaMovie2.swf?userName=" & _
   Server.URLEncode(Request.Cookies("userName")) &""">"& vbCrLf & _
  " <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=medium>"& vbCrLf & _
  " <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#99CC33>"& vbCrLf & _
  " <EMBED src=""flaMovie2.swf?userName=" & _
   Server.URLEncode(Request.Cookies("userName")) &""""& vbCrLf & _
  " bgcolor=#99CC33 WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=75 "& vbCrLf & _
  " TYPE=""application/x-shockwave-flash"">"& vbCrLf & _
  " </EMBED>"& vbCrLf & _
 'writes out the OBJECT string
 Response.Write swfTag

Notice that I added lots of carriage returns (vbCrLf) so that the resulting code will be easier to debug.  (Ie: when you open the page and view the page source, this prevents having everything written on a single line.).  The 

When that code is run, the line 

  " VALUE=""flaMovie2.swf?userName=" & _
   Server.URLEncode(Request.Cookies("userName")) &""">"& vbCrLf & _

will be replaced with something like flaMovie2.swf?userName=john, assuming john is the userName stored in the cookieThe Server.URLEncode() function will make sure that the string is URL encoded, otherwise, if you enter something like "Jack & Joan", Flash will not interpret it correctly because the "&" sign is a special character.

Click here to see the page generated by the script above.  (Remember to set the cookie first using the form above, or the result will be undefined)

You can do it more cleanly and efficiently with a code like below (even better, you should consider writing a function if you use the code often):

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
  ID=flaMovie WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=75>
  <PARAM NAME=movie 
  <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=medium>
  <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#99CC33>
  <EMBED src="flaMovie2.swf?userName=<%=Server.URLEncode(Request.Cookies("userName"))%>"
    bgcolor=#99CC33 WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=250 

Click here to see the page generated by the script above.  (Remember to set the cookie first using the form above, or the result will be undefined)

Using JavaScript

With JavaScript, the process is similar.  You can use document.write to pass the query string to Flash.  You will need to write the entire OBJECT tag, since JavaScript is a client side scripting language, and you can't run a JavaScript code nested within an OBJECT tag.  An example is shown below.  

// a simple function that returns the value of a cookie
function getCookie(name)
  if (document.cookie)
    var cookies=document.cookie.split(";");
    for (var i=0; i<cookies.length; i++)
      var varName=(cookies[i].split("=")[0]);
      var varValue=(cookies[i].split("=")[1]);

      // the next 2 lines trim whitespaces (Netscape 7 problem)
      while (varName.charAt(0)==" ")
      // the escape() function will return URL encoded string.
      if (varName==name)
        return escape(varValue);
// this writes out the entire OBJECT tag.  If you use this kind of code
// often, you should consider writing a function to do this.  Then you
// can pass parameters (swf filename, width, height, etc) and reuse the
// function.  Some parameters have been truncated to fit this space.  
// Just pay attention to the red portion.
  '<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"\n'+
  '  codebase=",0,0,0"\n'+   
  '  ID=flaMovie WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=75>\n'+
  '  <PARAM NAME=movie '+
  '    VALUE="flaMovie2.swf?userName=' + getCookie('userName')+'">\n'+
  '  <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=medium>\n'+
  '  <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#99CC33>\n'+
  '  <EMBED src="flaMovie2.swf?userName=' + getCookie('userName')+'">\n'+
  '    bgcolor=#99CC33 WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=250 \n'+
  '    TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash">\n'+
  '  </EMBED>\n'+

Note: Coding document.writes like above is very error prone and hard to debug because when you do View Source after opening the document, you don't see what the being written by the document.writes.  Sometimes you forget to put a closing tag or a closing ">" and don't know why the page won't load.  The easiest way for me to debug this kind of code is to use an older Netscape 4.8 browser.  That older browser (at least the PC version) shows the result of document.writes when you do View Source.  This is also why I appended the \n (start anew new line) often: to make it easier to see the result.

Click here to see the page generated by the script above.  (Remember to set the cookie first using the form above, or the result will be undefined).  Note: The escape() function in getCookie() will make sure that the string is URL encoded, otherwise, if you enter something like "Jack & Joan", Flash will not interpret it correctly because "&" is a special character.  Note however, that the escape() function does not encode '+' and '/' characters.  For a workaround, see here.

Using PHP
This example is for PHP 4 or above.

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
  ID=flaMovie WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=250>
  <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="flaMovie2.swf?<?php echo(urlencode($userName));?>">
  <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=medium>
  <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#99CC33>
  <EMBED src="flaMovie2.swf?userName=<?php echo(urlencode($userName));?>"
    bgcolor=#99CC33 WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=250 

Or, using $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[]:

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
  ID=flaMovie WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=250>
  <PARAM NAME=movie 
    VALUE="flaMovie2.swf?<?php echo(urlencode($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["userName"]));?>">
  <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=medium>
  <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#99CC33>
    src="flaMovie2.swf?userName=<?php echo(urlencode($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["userName"]));?>"
    bgcolor=#99CC33 WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=250 

When that code is run, the line $userName (which is the same as $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["userName"]) will be replaced with the userName stored in the cookieThe urlencode() function encodes the string to make sure that special characters in the string are URL encoded.  Without this, if the userName contains special characters, such as the "&" character in: John & Associates, then the result will become unpredictable.

Click here to see the page generated by the script above.  (Remember to set the cookie first using the form above, or the result will be undefined)

Next, we will discuss how to pass HTTP query string (such as data from html forms) to Flash. 


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